Students’ Favorite Music Genres

When it comes to defining the face of the music industry, the youth audience is one of the most valuable target demographics.

Young people now have more access to their own musical entertainment than ever before, thanks to the rise of social media and streaming platforms. This ability to discover and purchase songs for themselves has given students unprecedented power in the entertainment industry.


Top Music Genres Among Students Today


While pop is not a genre in and of itself, it has come to represent a style that is enticing to young people by combining upbeat dance music, musician, and catchy lyrics.


Rap Music

Hip-hop can range from smooth, easy listening to more serious, intense, and socially conscious music. Hip hop’s entire spectrum appeals to students, who enjoy using it to relax as well as for self-expression and catharsis.



Rock music is frequently associated with youth and will always be a popular music genre among students.


Western Culture 

Country songs may be the first uniquely American musical genre to achieve widespread popularity. Indeed, many musicians who started out as country artists have become so popular that they are now classified as pop artists.



This is a musical performance genre that combines a deep understanding of musical theory with highly virtuoso playing ability.

