The Positive Effects of Music Listening

As a species, humans have an innate ability to discriminate between musical tones and other sounds. Each of the four elements of music—pitch, tempo, rhythm, and melody—can be refined through separate pathways in the brain.

Listening to Music can Boost IQ and Language Skills

Verbal understanding is enhanced by listening to music. One study found that children aged 4 to 6 who took music lessons for a month showed significant improvements in verbal intelligence, namely in melodies, pitch, beat, and vocal. The results suggest that musical training has a “transfer effect,” which helps kids both understand and articulate what they hear.

Listening to Music can Help Alleviate Sadness

When listening to music, hormone levels change almost instantly. Since certain songs encourage the brain to release dopamine and serotonin, which lead to increased feelings of happiness and well-being, music can be thought of as a natural antidepressant. Norepinephrine, a hormone that reinforces feelings of well-being, is also produced.

Music is a Memory Booster

Learning new material is easier with the help of music. Most of us have found that learning the words to a song is far simpler and takes much less time than learning the material for a class. The reason for this is that music stimulates the brain. Consequently, the mind stores anything it finds rewarding.
