Why Listen to Mobile Music
It has been proven that music dramatically helps improve people’s mental well-being and boost physical health. For example, music lessons can help raise our IQs and keep our minds sharper, particularly as we get older.
Below are scientifically proven benefits showing why we should use music more and more using your mobile coque iphone 8 wiqeo.
1) Music makes you happier
Your brain releases a ‘happy hormone’, dopamine when you listen to music as a neuroscientist, as discovered in the study ‘The neuroscience of musical chill’ by The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital.
2) Music enhances running performance
Runners who listened to fast or slow motivational music completed the first 800 meters of their run faster than those that listened to calm music or ran without. If you are interested in running, listen to music to improve your ability and here are some running tips to help you start.
3) Music lowers stress and improves health
Listening to music can decrease levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. A study showed that people’s immune systems were boosted when they actively participated in making music by playing various percussion instruments and singing.
So during a stressful day, turn on the radio to help you calm down and for maximum healing benefits, be sure to sing along and tap your feet to the beat.
4) Music helps you sleep better
A study showed that students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before bedtime slept significantly better than those who slept with an audiobook or listened to nothing at all.
5) Music reduces depression
Over 350 million people across the world suffer from depression and 90% of them also experience insomnia. Sleep research found that symptoms of depression decreased largely with those who listened to classical music.
So if you are having a challenging day, lift your spirits with some classical or meditative music.